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Standard Hoops £12.00 pvc 2 tape options

Instructor Hoops £15.00 gaffer & pvc tape options

Sparkle Hoops £18.00









We can sell individual hoops via both Ebay and Esty

For Bulk orders please contact below




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Information on Hoops


Over the years I have done extensive research on hoops, talking to various USA and UK Organisations (not all have replied to my requests – unfortunately for obvious reasons) but here was the results of my research.

There are many different types of Hoops and over the years we have done extensive research into these in early 2013 and UK Hooping would suggest the following:

If delegates turn up with their own hoops

  • As the Instructor – Try hooping with it
  • See how much it weighs (if over 1kg delegates not to use)
  • Explain to delegates about the hazards of any potential unsafe hoops

Toning Hoops tend to be manufactured from thicker and more rigid polyethylene tubing and can have extra weight added to them, often sand or gels.  They are less flexible and are designed to be used solely for off body cardio exercises and static hoop toning exercises (eg Bicep Curl).  They usually weight 1kg + and I would strongly recommend NOT using around the waist as this could cause internal bruising.  These are designed for Circuit or toning type Hoop classes.

Dance Hoops tend to be manufactured from thinner, lighter more flexible tubing (25mm or 20mm) and are more suitable for mobile hoop exercise, hand hooping and isolations on different parts of the body: chest, waist, hips, legs, knees, neck.

Arm Hoops are smaller and designed for Arm upper body exercises and are good for using in Toning / Circuit type classes.

Magnetic / Ball / Massage Hoops

UK Hooping would strongly recommend you do not use these types of hoops in your classes they are far too heavy and can cause internal and external bruising

Wavy Hoops

As like the above Magnetic type hoops, UK Hooping would strongly recommend that you do not let your participants use these hoops if they turn up with them in your classes.

Travel / Clip Together Hoops

These are popular on Hoop Retreats etc.,  I would suggest if anyone comes along with this type of hoop to have a quick look at the make up of the hoop, have a hoop with it and decide if you feel happy for your delegates to use.


All the above information is completed in more details in the L1 Course